Sunday, July 20, 2014

Rockin' Back to School Math Stations are finished and posted! Can I get a heck yea?

Hello sweet friends,

I have been working on some back to school math stations for awhile now.  I am happy to say I finished them today and finally posted them to my TPT store!  There are six stations that cover a variety of Common Core standards.

Here they are:
Students will count coins with values up to 50 cents.  This is a good place to start for second graders since common core standards don't have the students doing a whole lot with money in first grade.    I have included this coin identification card for struggling students to use as a reference.  I know many of my students will need this at the beginning of the year.

In this station students will practice telling time to the hour.  They will look at an analog clock and write the digital time.  A quick review of hour and minute hands should have my kids on the right track.

Here students will look at patterns of numbers.  The patterns will show skip counting by either fives or tens.  Then the students will decide the missing numbers for each pattern.  Three of the patterns have the students starting with zero.

Anyone teach number bonds to their students?  We had training on Singapore Math a couple years ago.  I have been teaching number bonds to my students since then and many really find it easier to make that connection between the numbers.   After the students decide the missing number in the number bond, they will use those three numbers to complete a fact family.

This has got to be one of my favorite titles of all these stations!  I may or may not have been a Rick Springfield groupie in my day.  Did I just age myself or what?  The students will count out how many guitars are shown in the picture.  Then they decide if that amount is even or odd.

The last station has students putting four numbers in order from least to greatest.  The numbers go up to 100.  I didn't want to make the numbers too difficult for the beginning of the year.  

So, there they are.  My latest work of art!  I hope these are something you find useful to use in your classroom.  These will be on sale in my TPT shop for another day!  Click here to head over and check them out for yourself!

Happy Sunday!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Long time, no blog!

Hello friends,

It has been ages since I have blogged. just seems to get in the way of keeping up on here!  My sweet little boys also are priority!  I am trying to find the balance in it all!  Will that ever happen?  I sure hope so....

I have been busy working on a new product.  It is called Rockin' Back to School Math stations.  I currently have 6 stations created and am not sure if I will be adding more or not.  These stations are CC aligned.  They are pretty basic and will be good review for back to school time!  The stations I have created are counting money, time to the hour, skip counting, number bonds, even/odd, and ordering numbers.  If this is something you think you could use in your room check back soon!  I'll post when I have it finished!  

Hope you all are having a wonderful summer!